Waste Minor Works

Michael Roarty has worked on Thames Water waste operational contracts since the early nineties, carrying out minor works, minor repairs and network operations in the Greater London area and the Home Counties, on behalf of Subterra and Enterprise.

We have worked on all aspects of repair and maintenance of the trunk sewer, and local sewer networks including the construction of sheet and frame shafts, timber headings, pipe jacking and conventional tunnelling, minor repairs and manhole replacement (online / offline), manhole construction and cover replacement.

We provide an Out of Hours response, ensuring that regulatory response targets are met.

We are committed to first time reinstatement and the use of recycled materials where appropriate.

Customer Care is a priority throughout the management of ouroperations. Our aim is not to deal with complaints as they arise, but to prevent issues arising in the first place.

Clean Water Mains Upgrade

Michael Roarty is currently working on the Thames Water mains rehabilitation and replacement programmes, carrying out Main Laying Pipebursting, Directional Drilling and Service Connections in North London, South London and Buckinghamshire, on behalf of Morrison Utility Services and J Murphy.

During 2004 and 2005 we also worked on the Three Valleys mains rehabilitation programme, carrying out similar activities on behalf of Enterprise.

We have vast experience in streetworks and apply this to minimise disruption through the correct application of Chapter 8 and the NRSWA.

First time reinstatement is applied to all mains installation works.

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